Stewardship Campaign:

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1. Where did the debt come from? When did it begin? How long have we been paying? What would we save if we paid the debt off in 2-3 years?

Amazing Grace Christian Church began originally as the Grove City Christian Church in 1956 with about 20 people. The church moved to her Columbus Street location in 1961 and thrived there for many years. In the late 1990’s there was a vision to purchase the current 21 Acres at 2255 Quail Creek Blvd on the growing edge of Grove City. In 2004, the church voted to relocate and sell the building on Columbus Street to another church (Victorious Living). In 2005 the current building was financed at about $1.5 Million Dollars with Heartland Bank and The Hunt Fund. A 2020 Valuation of property (21.68 Acres) and building was $2,915,000 (land at $539,100 and improvements at 2,375,900). Our current debt is approximately $775,000 at a yearly interest rate of 4.5%. If we pay off our debt in 3 years, it will save the church approximately $142,000 in interest and position ourselves for initiating future ministry opportunities and initiatives; we want to turn our mortgage into ministry!

2. Where do we stand currently in our finances? What is our monthly/yearly budget? What is our monthly/yearly need?

As of July 31, 2022 we have $122,611.19 in checking and savings. Our yearly budget is $581,701.00 which represents a monthly budget of $48,475.00. Our spending between January and July 2022 has been $42,258 on average per month. Our giving has averaged $37,491.00 per month January through July. Our overage this year is mainly due to a new furnace, paying off a copier, youth room renovation, improvements to our online presence (cameras, equipment) and paying for the services of a subcontractor for our Stewardship Campaign. Also, offerings are traditionally lower in the summer months, and traditionally increase in the fall and winter months. Our church subcontracts with Harquin Bookkeeping. Monthly reports are submitted to our Management Team for review and recommendations. The Management Team consists of several Elders and appointed church members. A balance sheet of Amazing Grace’s Finances is available in the church foyer or on our website. The church leadership also hosts an Annual Meeting the 4th Quarter of each calendar year for ministry and financial updates.

3. What are the roles and responsibilities of each staff member? Do we have a job description for each staff member?

We are blessed with three Full-Time Pastors at Amazing Grace Christian Church. Pastor Tom Alexander is our Senior Pastor who oversees the general ministry and pastoral staff. He also currently works with our Children’s Ministry Team. He has earned ministry degrees from Kentucky Christian University and The Southern Baptist Theological Center.

Pastor Makiah Coakley serves as our Worship Pastor. Responsibilities include the planning, organizing, and leading of multiple worship services each week. He also oversees our technical team and first impressions ministry. Pastoral ministries include preaching, oversight of special events, discipleship, and other duties as needed. Pastor Makiah earned a ministry degree is from Liberty University.

Pastor Andy Johnson is our Youth Pastor overseeing grades 6-12, and also oversees our Church Management Software, Website, Vacation Bible School, and outreach events. Pastor Andy also serves in pastoral duties and preaching/teaching. Andy is currently working on a ministry degree from Johnson University.

Each Full-Time Pastor has a job description and is accountable to the Senior Pastor who in turn is accountable to the Eldership of Amazing Grace Christian Church. Complete job descriptions are available at the bottom of this page. Amazing Grace also subcontracts a part-time cleaning service. Currently administrative office hours are covered through volunteers from Amazing Grace.

4. What is the core vision for our church? What are our steps and plans to achieve that vision? Do we have a 3–5-year plan?

Our Core Vision is “Transforming Lives one at a time through Intentional Relationships.” We are pursuing the Great Commandment to love God and others (Matthew 22:34-40) and the Great Commission to Make Disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20). We achieve this vision through Intentional Discipleship experiences of our Adults through Worship, Service Opportunities, Preaching, Teaching in Life Groups and Classes, Student and Child Discipleship. At monthly Elder’s Meetings and annual retreats, the vision, goals and objectives of the ministry of Amazing Grace are reviewed. Reports are considered and oversight given for various areas of ministry. Our Elders are devoted to prayer, protection, setting policy and pastoring our people at Amazing Grace and to oversee the vision and mission of the church. Our 3-year plan includes improving our training in discipling relationships of Children, Teens, and Adults; further outreach into our community and world missions and eliminating or greatly reducing our current debt. We also plan to add a Children’s Pastor, which will allow us to serve and reach more families with younger children in our growing community. Our hope is to see our numbers and Kingdom impact grow, becoming a church of 450+ members and regular attenders participating each weekend and on the mission of following Jesus and encouraging others in their walk with Jesus.

Frequently asked questions